How did Job Fair help you? – three internship success stories

When it comes down to new concepts and different innovations, everyone begins with a sceptical outlook and they question whether these innovations are really worth it. However, the bravest of the brave always give chances to the new exciting things. These people are the ones that are responsible for the pillars on which “Job Fair – Employment and Career Fair” stands. Job Fair’s story continues with its seventeenth edition this year. Each year Job Fair is richer with a few more success stories and a few more brave individuals who weren’t afraid to chase their goals and ambitions.

Slave Temkov, Davor Dimovski and Nikola Jovanovski are some of those adventurous individuals who are part of Job Fair’s success stories. In this interview you will have the opportunity to get a personal insight into their experience and how Job Fair provided help in getting an internship.

How did you find out about Job Fair?

Slave: Before I began my undergraduate studies I had heard about BEST and all the events that this organization hosts including Job Fair. When I began my studies I joined BEST and I was a part of the team that organized Job Fair 2018.

Davor: I found out about Job Fair through Instagram. I have to admit that I was a sceptic when it came to these types of events, as well as career platforms, virtual fairs about internships or employment and so on, but I am very happy that Job Fair did not disappoint me.

Nikola: I found out about Job Fair when I was sitting in the amphitheater of MFS/FEEIT. I was aware of the concept and I was very excited, because I had a chance to experience Job Fair.

Did you get in contact with the company about the internship or were they the ones that contacted you?

Slave: I contacted them. It was a lot easier to get the right contact since I got all the needed information from Job Fair.

Davor: A few weeks after Job Fair ended I was contacted by the company and we scheduled an interview.

Nikola: I contacted them – while Job Fair was still ongoing, I met the representatives from the company and discovered a lot about the company, the industry, the products and the company’s culture.

Did you want to get an internship in that exact company or did you discover that company through Job Fair? How did everything go down?

Slave: I found out about this company through Job Fair. At that time I was just finishing my second year of studies and I was not sure if I was prepared for an internship, but while going through the booths and attending the interesting presentations during Job Fair, I discovered all the interesting possibilities and that encouraged me to take the next step. This also helped me choose the exact internship that I wanted.

Davor: Definitely yes. The company in which I did my internship was on the wallpaper of my favorite corporations of which I would like to be a part. Maybe that was one of the main reasons for applying.

Nikola: I had heard about the company before, but they got my attention when I noticed their Job Fair booth.

Were the companies serious throughout the selection process?

Slave: Yes they were very direct and professional. All the information regarding the internship were concise and given on time.

Davor: Yes, to the degree that reflects the positive status of the company.

Nikola: In the first cycle I did not have any knowledge about the criteria and the selection process. Just after I started working, I witnessed the selection process of one of my now colleagues – Angela. We got a hold of her CV through Job Fair’s CV database, and after that we scheduled an interview with her.

How was the whole process? How did you get the internship and when were you contacted?

Slave: After the application and selection process, I received an email with the internship offer. Also, not long after that, I was contacted directly by the company to ensure that I had received the offer and to speed up the process of starting the internship itself. I received all the information on time. I asked them everything that was not clear to me and received quick and concise answers.

Davor: The process took place in two phases, i.e. two interviews. The first interview was held by HR representatives, and its goal was to determine the department where I would like to do the internship. The second interview also featured a representative from HR and the engineer who mentored and guided me for four months. After receiving the internship, we had an “informal” conversation, a third meeting, where I was explained how the internship should go in a pandemic, about team segregation and the protocols that were established in the company.
A few hours after the second interview, I was contacted by phone, where I was informed that I was part of the team as an intern and that I could start on the agreed date.

Nikola: By written media, I was contacted directly by the CEO, because at that time the company was small, with less than 15 employees and had no official structure. We practiced “flat hierarchy”, where we all considered each other colleagues, even the CEO.

Which skill helped you the most in getting an internship?

Slave: Having the correct information about the positions as well as the correct contact information from the people that I needed to contact.

Davor: Courage, ambition, determination, enthusiasm and the constant desire to improve, I consider to be the main epithets for achieving the goal.

Nikola: The fair itself contributed the most, by giving me full confidence to apply to that company, and the fact that open and free communication could be established with the representatives and my then future colleagues.

What would you recommend to students who are now looking for an internship?

Slave: Be curious and attend more events where you can get more information about opportunities, as well as ask more questions. Also, do not be afraid to take on challenges, as well as to approach company representatives directly and expand your network of acquaintances, which will help you in the whole process of finding an internship.

Davor: I encourage all students to try their luck and leave a brief summary on the Job Fair career platform. The earlier in their studies the better, so that they can understand the material, upgrade themselves and their theoretical knowledge, as well as its application in a real environment and on real projects.

Nikola: Join the fair, approach the representatives of the companies with full confidence and composure, have a general conversation and to ask about the company, do not hesitate to leave contact information or get contact information from the person in charge of employment/internship. At the end of the day, you might meet your future colleagues.

What was the overall experience like and how did you like the internship?

Slave: The experience as a whole from the very beginning of the internship to the end of the internship was really interesting and very informative for me. As I mentioned before, the network of acquaintances and contacts and the information I received during the Job Fair were very helpful. In the end, I was very happy that with all that help and support I was able to challenge myself and take this step, which led me to a wonderful experience that was a huge leap toward at the beginning of my career.

Davor: Great experience, great mentors, great colleagues, great work atmosphere. I think that a “win-win” situation was achieved for both sides.

Nikola: The first work experience, although an internship, is a special thing for everyone. Because of Job Fair, the company and I found each other and matched perfectly. In a short time it will be 4 years since I started working in the company after finishing my 3 month internship. Thanks to the opportunity given to me by Job Fair, I went through a four-year period of personal and professional development, many friendships, travels and many fond and wonderful memories.

Job Fair plays a big role in the stories of Slave, Davor and Nikola. Each of them has a different story, different experience and different benefits, but they all have one thing in common, and that is the internship opportunity they got through Job Fair.

“Job Fair – Employment and Career Fair” offers a real opportunity to find internships in wonderful companies that are trusted partner companies of Job Fair. This fair offers the support you need to take the first step in achieving your goals.

Undoubtedly, the internship you will receive through Job Fair is very valuable and is a wonderful experience for every student. This practice is often the most necessary leap to the desired career of each individual.

Finally, leaving a CV is a new challenge to be undertaken. Internships come as an incredible gift only to the brave and confident individuals that decide to take the next step.

Will you be a part of Job Fair’s success stories?

Leave your CV on the career platform at Job Fair