Can I keep 5-6 male fancy guppies and 3-4 male balloon mollies in a 20 gallon fish tank? How would you recommend I stock this tank with mollies and guppies? - Quora

$ 5.99

In stock

Guppy Fish and Molly Fish Crossbreeding Result Update!

How many fish can I have in a 2.5 gallon tank? - Quora

Mollies And Guppies: Are They Happy Together In One Tank?

I want to get 3 female guppies for the first time. What are some information and tips about it? - Quora

Can dwarf gouramis live with 2 angel fish, 9 silver tipped tetras, and 2 corydoras? How many could I get? I know the males don't really get along with each other. I

Please Help Me I Have A 20 Gallon Tank With 6 Balloon Mollies In Which 5

I have an aquarium consisting of 3 guppies, 2 platys, and 2 angelfish. What do I feed them, and how often should Ifeed them? - Quora

Why does do guppies loose there black spot when put in a breeding box? - Quora

How many fish can I have in a 2.5 gallon tank? - Quora

I have an aquarium consisting of 3 guppies, 2 platys, and 2 angelfish. What do I feed them, and how often should Ifeed them? - Quora

Molly Chasing Guppy Around

Guppy Fish Care - Can Guppy Fish and Molly Fish Live Together ?

How many guppies should I put in a 12.4 litre tank? I am a new fish keeper, so any advice is welcome about the care of fish/tank. - Quora

Compatible Tank Mates with Guppies - Guppy Aquarium