January (~137lbs) to October (~129lbs)! : r/PetiteFitness

$ 9.00

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F/27/5'8” [207lbs > 144lbs= 63lbs] Started a calorie deficit in February 2021 and have been keeping up with it ever since! I workout 5x a week. Focusing on maintenance calories now and



F/25/5'4” [115lb->143lb] Left: compulsive exercise + eating disorder. Right: 5 months into eating disorder recovery. : r/progresspics

Since May I have taken my health/fitness very seriously, started at 125(left) and been around 122-123 this month(right) even though the scale hasnt changed that much I feel like my body fat

5ft F. 135lbs -> 129lbs from Jan1-Feb 28. Progress? : r/PetiteFitness

Just over a year of progress. 185lbs —> 129lbs : r/PetiteFitness


Hello and welcome to PetiteFitness! Very excited to have you here. As you can see, this is a shiny and new sub. To kick things off, please leave a comment on this

F/26/5'6” [425lbs > 160lbs = 265lbs] Started my journey 2 years ago 275 pounds from goal weight, now I'm only 10 pounds from goal weight. Feels surreal! : r/progresspics

July 23 - today progress : r/PetiteFitness

M/32/5'8 [184 lbs to 171 lbs] (7 weeks) Weight loss progress, so far. my goal is to have visible abs for the first time in my life. : r/progresspics


F/26/5'2 [220>184] 36 pounds lost. No gym just counting calories and waking 20 minutes 3-4 times a week! : r/progresspics

F/27/5'1. [130lbs > 123lbs = 7lb loss] (8 years). In the spirit of a new year, cheers to the resolution I made back in 2015 to get strong. It's been an amazing