Postnatal yoga class @5.15pm

$ 7.00

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Online yoga classes guided by the best yoga teachers in India.

Paschimottanasana : how to outstretch in back stretching pose, contraindications and benefits

Kati Chakrasana : how to rotate in waist rotating pose, how to be aware and benefits

Padotthanasana : How to do, how to be aware, precautions and benefits.

Shankhaprakshalana: how to undergo the process of cleansing of the digestive tract, step by step guide, food habits and precautions

Natarajasana : how to stand firmly in Lord Shiva's pose, contra-indications and benefits

Kati Chakrasana Waist rotating pose

Kapalbhati Pranayama : how to master frontal brain cleansing breath, various techniques, contra-indications and benefits

Do Yoga - Online Yoga Classes


Gupta Padmasana : How to be in hidden lotus pose, how to be aware and benefits.

Do Yoga - Online Yoga Classes

Poorna Titali Asana : How to do, how to be aware, benefits and precautions

Dwi Hasta Bhujasana: how to sit in two hands and arms pose, breathing process, contraindications and benefits