Flight of the (Synchronous) Fireflies - Discover Life in America

$ 7.50

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For about 3 weeks i Ju e, swarms of Photi us caroli us mask the forests i the Smoky Mou tai s with a soft yellow haze. Fireflies from all arou d gather at a elevatio of about 2,100 feet a d perform for ot o ly each other, but the e tire park. Fireflies are ot flies at all. They’re beetles that belo g to the Lampyridae family that have adapted wi gs with a special coveri g o their abdome . Like most beetles, they have these specially sheathed wi gs that allow them to fly. You may k ow fireflies to be small i sects that come out right at dusk a d stay u til the early ight givi g off soft glows at arbitrary levels of the forest. You ma y ot k ow it, but as every mi ute passes differe t species of fireflies may be comi g a d goi g right i from of you eyes, passi g the bato to carry light show. Ma y fireflies are strictly crepuscular mea i g they come out at dusk or daw a d retur to their hidi g places o ce the octur al predators come out to feed. Others come out o ce the su []

Flight of the (Synchronous) Fireflies - Discover Life in America

Flight of the (Synchronous) Fireflies - Discover Life in America

Flight of the (Synchronous) Fireflies - Discover Life in America

Flight of the (Synchronous) Fireflies - Discover Life in America

Flight of the (Synchronous) Fireflies - Discover Life in America