Pee is for Pregnant: The history and science of urine-based pregnancy tests - Science in the News

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by Kelsey Tyssowski figures by Olivia Foster Let me look at your pee, and I’ll tell you your future. For over 3000 years, women wondering if they’ll be mothers have heard some variation of this phrase. In the first known pregnancy tests, ancient Egyptian women urinated on barley or wheat seeds: quickly sprouting seeds indicated pregnancy. While this may sound like pseudoscience, several modern studies …

Does the Line Thickness on a Pregnancy Test Mean Anything?

الباحثون السوريون - تاريخ اختبارات كشف الحمل: الجزء الثاني، اختبارات كشف الحمل الحديثة وآلية عملها

古代の人々はどのようないたずらをしていましたか? - Quora

古代の人々は、毒があるかもしれないと恐れることなく、どのようにして果物を認識したのでしょうか? - Quora

The history of pregnancy tests Part 2: From antibodies to the at-home – O V R Y

Pregnancy Tests: Timing & Results

History of Pregnancy Test

古代ローマの富裕層は「美食を食べて、満腹になったら、机上に吐いて、奴隷がテーブルクロスごと下げ、また料理が来て…の繰り返し」だったそうです。なぜ、吐いてでも食べる行為を繰り返していたのですか? - Quora

Superdrug launches world's first saliva pregnancy test - how it works and how it's evolved - Mirror Online

History of Pregnancy Test

If a urine sample is being tested for, let's say, an infection, and pregnancy indicators are detected, would they let you know that you are pregnant? - Quora

Babybullshit - Bastiaansen, Ouderschap

What Is Evaporation Line Pregnancy Test And How It Looks Like

古代の女性は生理の時どうしていたのでしょうか? - Quora