IPCC report paints catastrophic picture of melting ice and rising

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Mark Brandon, Professor of Polar Oceanography at The Open University writes for The Conversation about the recent report from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) and the growing risk to the future of our oceans and cryosphere. 

IPCC report paints catastrophic picture of melting ice and rising sea levels—and reality may be even worse

Sea-level rise is inevitable this century, grim IPCC Report confirms

Current rate of warming will cause catastrophic melting of Antarctic ice •

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The 80 MPH Glacier Fracture: A Wake-Up Call From Antarctica

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Cryosphere – News, Research and Analysis – The Conversation – page 1

Q&A: Warming of 2°C would trigger 'catastrophic' loss of world's ice, new report says, News, Eco-Business

Scientist explains how melting ice in Antarctica affects Indonesia

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RealClimate: Sea level in the IPCC 6th assessment report (AR6)

IPCC Report: Climate Change-Driven Glacial Melt, Sea Level Rise Threaten Millions
