TYR Swim Set of the Week – July 11, 2013 (and my first giveaway!)

$ 14.50

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Do you need more swim workouts in your life? Of course you do! That’s why I’ve decided to start a new blog series sharing some of my favorite swim sets! I’m calling it the TYR Swim Set of the Week! […]

Oi from Florianopolis, Brazil!

Ultraman swim attempt and another TYR Swim Set of the Week!


Peachtree Road Race, Rainy Rides, and What's Next

Hogpen Hill Climb 2014!

Trans Tahoe Relay Recap!

Race Day Nutrition (or lack thereof)

Extra! Extra! I'm in Inside Triathlon Magazine!

TYR Swim Set of the Week – July 11, 2013 (and my first giveaway!)