1. What exactly is RM Ankara, which BEST local groups were a part of it and how many people were there?
-RM (Regional Meeting) is an event in BEST that happens twice in one year. This autumn it was in Ankara where you could find delegates from the Local BEST Groups, delegates from the departments of BEST, one representative of the international board of BEST and the Regional Adviser. These Regional Meetings most commonly last from 4-5 days and delegates can attend different soft skills sessions, work groups on which they can see the departments work, but also preparations for the upcoming General Assembly. In our region are the following BEST groups: Skopje, Nis, Podgorica, Patras, Athens, Chania, Ankara, Istanbul and Izmir. There were a few delegates + trainers + delegates of departments from every mentioned group, and we were about 50 students on this event.
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